

Safety in the Industry – An Ongoing Issue

Safety in the Industry – An Ongoing Issue

When working, managing, or owning a business in the trades industry whether it be electrical, welding, HVAC, plumbing, or construction- safety should be the number one priority. The trades as a whole require you to achieve the proper safety training such as OSHA 10,...

Peter Akguc from Benchmark Design and Build

Peter Akguc from Benchmark Design and Build

Peter Akguc started his career as trader on wall street after pursuing a degree in finance. But the stress of the job lead to an unhealthily lifestyle. He transitioned into real estate and construction as the economy was rebounding from the financial crisis. The...

Adam McKinnon From the Real Stair Guy

Adam McKinnon From the Real Stair Guy

Choosing a niche can be good. Adam McKinnon says he likes being specialized. He really likes sticking with installing stairs. It would be much better for the general contractor to decide what stair finishes will be before framing. Adam stressed the importance of...

Justin Macdonald from JMD Electric

Justin Macdonald from JMD Electric

Justin MacDonald loves helping clients realize what they want. Concerning whether a contractor should have a college degree or not, Justin says that when you have an education no one can take that away from you. However, Justin was more interested in building a life...

Brady Johanson from Brady Colt Custom Homes

Brady Johanson from Brady Colt Custom Homes

Brady Johanson is the founder of Brady Colt Custom Homes. Brady Sits on the Board of directors and is also significantly involved in the Young Professional Leadership Committee where the young professionals of the industry combine their resources to help and aid local...